Forget the Rules! If you like it, WEAR IT!
If you are wondering, yes - I DO wear other colors besides PINK, but I do like to throw in a splash of pink in every outfit, if possible....

S U N D A Y F U N D A Y - Superbowl Sunday!
Super Bowl Sunday I may be extremely girly and love pink, but I also LOVE football - way more than my hubby, I might add! I don’t know...

Child Memories
How it all started… I would say I had a normal childhood. I LOVED Barbies, Beanie Babies, American Girl dolls, and Lisa Frank. I am the...

WELCOME! My Brand Is Officially Launched!
Welcome to The Purpose in the Pink, by Kim Swarner! I can not believe it is finally here! First of all, this project has been on my heart...