Welcome to The Purpose in the Pink, by Kim Swarner! I can not believe it is finally here! First of all, this project has been on my heart for a long time and it has been incredible watching it come to life. I knew I wanted a place to empower others to live free from anxiety, a place to share my girly personality and how I live my colorful lifestyle amidst adversity. When I began to pursue this vision, I was not sure what it would look like or how big it would be; all I knew was that it would be 100% PINK {which is how I choose to do everything} and the world would finally learn why. As we launch this project today and I survey how this vision has come to full fruition, I am in LOVE! This is my heart and I could not be more grateful to all who have helped me make this possible.
I would like to thank the entire team at The Birds Nest Co. { www.thebirdsnestco.com } for believing in my vision and helping me bring this entire project to life! They took my vision and went above and beyond what I ever could have imagined- from the overall brand mentorship to the web design to the amazing photography, to the graphic design and styling- these talented artists helped me develop every facet of my vision + brand perfectly and I am absolutely giddy to finally share it with you! I also owe a huge thank you to my incredible family and my sweet husband for being the greatest support system a girl could ask for- each of you have cheered me on, pink pom-poms in hand, the entire way! Thank you to Stephanie Strobl, my best friend who also captured a few of the other great photos I've mixed in. And most importantly, I want to thank my Savior, Jesus Christ. The Lord has given me a passion for pink, a heart for service, and a pink platform to influence this world for His glory. There are no words for my excitement + gratitude to begin this journey! Now, without further or due, I want to introduce you to The Purpose in the Pink, by Kim Swarner! Here we go! Yay!!!