I am constantly thinking of everything going on over the next few months, and I get truly overwhelmed & anxious just thinking about it. But, then I stop and take a couple of deep breaths. You see, the Lord has been teaching me so many things about myself that I have never known. Before I get wrapped up in MY *own anxiety*, MY stress, "ME ME ME" and MY selfishness, I realize that I need to stop and pray about each of these things FIRST. It’s easy to want to control everything, to fight and stress! But WHY would I want that? Well, I don’t, but we are creatures of habit.
Let’s talk about perspective. I COULD look at it this way - The Lord is teaching me that anxiety/stress is not just a chemical imbalance, but it can also be about your PERSPECTIVE. Stay with me here... I was sitting here making my lists, thinking about all that I have to do and worrying about possibly getting a migraine this week, potentially letting people down, all of my appointments, handling everything on my plate right now... this list goes on! BUT, I could also make a list of what I am thankful for. So, here we go: 1) I’m thankful for the current opportunities I have. Last week, I started rehearsals for the musical Damn Yankees at Repertory Company Theatre in Richardson, TX. I am playing Lola, a very fun and silly role! It runs April 20-29th in their brand NEW theater! Let me tell you - it is gorgeous!!! Please come check it out!! You can find more information at www.rcttheatre.com.

2) I have my FIRST official collaboration with Ella Lyn! They are a brand new boutique in Frisco and Y’ALL, their clothes are so cute, and I can’t wait to model for them in June! I will be showing off many of their summer items while they launch their new . This website. It will include some giveaways, so stay tuned! Please go follow them on IG @ellanshop or visit their website at www.ellalyn.com

3) I am also incredibly thankful for and PROUD of my husband, Max! Details on that later :)

4) I am working out almost everyday at The Barre Code in Plano, TX - YAY!
5) I am thankful for what the Lord is doing in my life. It is just the beginning of the road to recovery for me. These are all things I am incredibly thankful for, and instead, I was stressing about whether I would make it through these upcoming weeks without getting a migraine or being able to handle all of my daily stresses. This has been a challenge for me my entire life. I know stress is not healthy for anyone, but it has drastically affected my life. So, here are some of the steps I have taken to “let go” of stress (Let me know if you have this mastered already! 😉):
My faith - this plays a huge role. I pray constantly and work on truly giving things over to the Lord, trusting Him with every little moment, hour, and day at a time.
Fitness - I have really tried to start working out again - not for the perfect body, but to de-stress from my day. It helps me sleep better and feel better... and it’s GOOD FOR YOU! S/O to The Barre Code for kicking my butt!
Eating habits - mine have been all over the place! Frankly, I was eating whatever I wanted (so much sugar!!). I’m just trying to get back on track, which I recognize means something different for each person. I have also noticed that this helps my mood quite a bit. I feel better when I eat better!
Down time - I need a lot (ask my hubby 😊). I want to say YES to everything, and I want to DO everything. Recently, I have realized that I simply can’t. My body doesn't function like that. I have to carefully plan my week and especially my weekends. This is a lesson I thought I'd learned already, but I've only recently come to realize what all this entails.

I know it’s not always going to be easy, and I have to remind myself of these things each and every day. But, I've found that when I do, it’s so FREEING! You may be struggling with stress and anxiety. It completely robs you of enjoying so many things in life. I want to encourage you to LET IT GO! It’s completely miserable - living with nothing but stress, fear and anxiety. I know that is easier said than done, but NOTHING is impossible with God. I am broken inside and out, but I know for a fact I am being restored with each passing day.
What are you stressing about this week in life? its usually things like the unknown, the future, finances, relationships & marriage. Please know you are not alone. Everyone has struggles, they just may look different than yours. I truly hope everyone has a great week! Find some time to de-stress, some down time and relax!