Woah! Life has really been moving fast lately, and so much is going on! I hope you all are having a great start to your summer. I have to say that 2018 has been quite the journey so far... and we are officially halfway through the year (WHAT!). The Lord has revealed so much to me lately - not just about me, but about Him and life in general. I have always trusted in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I've wanted to hang on to certain parts of my life because I wanted them to happen MY way. I’m slowly learning to give over all of my anxiety, doubts, fears, insecurities, control, selfishness (etc., etc., etc.) to the Lord. I've tried to keep a tight grip on things in hopes that my way would be the best way, and in fact, it’s NOT. I’m on this journey, and there is so much I want to share, but I know it’s not the right time. I’m going to try to focus on my relationship with HIM, and I truly believe the other areas of my life will fall into place in His timing, as He has promised. I know this may not all make sense now, but as someone who struggles with all of these issues (we are all broken after all), we need to take a good look in the mirror sometimes, and often times, we are the ones that need to change. Don’t get me wrong, this is a process, and I fail everyday, but I’m going to try to have an attitude of serving OTHERS instead of focusing on myself. I spend way too much time focusing on me. What about you? Anyways, maybe this will all make sense later. I’m hoping so, but please know that God is bigger than so many of our struggles (no matter how big or small), and you are not alone in whatever it is YOU are going through. Surprisingly, my anxiety is so much better than it has been in a long time, by the grace of God! I will say that one thing that has helped me tremendously is spending time with a few friends every other week. They know ALL my junk, and I talk to them about anxiety and my fears. The more I open up about it, the more freedom I feel. Because no matter how hard you try to hide it, it’s still going to sit there and spill over into areas of your life. I tend to isolate and avoid. I find comfort in sleeping to avoid situations and going shopping that gives me a worldly sense of materialistic satisfaction that, in the end, leaves me empty. But I have found that I when I am open with my friends and I pray about these things, I am in a much better place. I can truly say that I AM! Living authentically is SO much better than hiding behind “things”.

Now, onto a different subject! Personally, summer is my favorite time of year. I can be out in the sunshine, or in the shade, and do nothing and be happy! I love being near the water. It gives me a real sense of peace, and I feel very connected to God. It’s actually where I have been doing most of my quiet times - on the patio or by the pool. I also see pictures of the gorgeous mountains on social media, and my heart aches to go there! Oh, what a beautiful world we live in. Beauty is all around - we just have to stop and listen. Here's a little recap on what’s been going on in my world... the BIG event was my sister-in-law's wedding! Max's sister, Emma, married her best friend, Hunter, on June 23 - and it was by far one of the best weddings ever! The weekend started with a bridesmaids luncheon, followed by the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner at Campisi’s (it was SO yummy!) On the big day, all the girls spent the day together getting their hair and makeup done, while all the boys went to The Rustic to eat and hangout. It was a relaxing and fun day for all :) I cannot tell you how beautiful Emma looked! Her dress, makeup and hair - it was just stunning! Simple and elegant, and she made a gorgeous bride! The ceremony was at Highland Park United Methodist Church, and it was so very sweet. The reception was at the Rosine Hall at the Dallas Arboretum Botianical Gardens overlooking White Rock Lake, and it was stunning! Best part? The Downtown Fever Band! Everyone was dancing and having so much fun! It was honor to stand beside Emma and Hunter on their wedding day, and I love that our family is now officially “complete” 😁.
4th of July festivities!
Well, most of you may know, BUT Max was in New York for 3 months auditioning, etc! It is something he has wanted to try for a long time. He loved his time up there! He was actually cast as Prof. Harold Hill in The Music Man at The Firehouse Theatre this summer here in Dallas, so he got back just in time for the wedding and to start rehearsals! He has only had a few evenings off, and when he does, we take full advantage! We went to a Rangers game (one of his favorite things to do) to kickoff July 4th and as an early birthday celebration! We had a cookout on the 4th with my in-laws and Emma and Hunter, and it was so YUMMY! It had been a while since all of us had a meal together, so it was very special. Max and I then went and had a mini staycation at The Statler in downtown Dallas, and it was so much fun! The pool was a BIT crowded, but I guess I should expect that considering it was a holiday! It was a fun evening of just getting dinner/desert and watching fireworks from our hotel room. We ate at Overeasy the next morning inside the hotel. I will never NOT love breakfast food, and this restaurant is incredible!
Other than that - I have pool days when I can, love on my pups, quiet times, go to bible study, and spend quality time with friends and my hubby. These are the priorities when I have free time! Side note: who is ready for the NORDSTROM ANNIVERSARY SALE! It’s KIND OF a big deal! It starts this week - July 12 for VIP card holders and opens to the public July 20! Go online and search for what you need and get ready! This sale is huge and it’s only once a year!

My three tips for you:
1. Make a priority list - take a good look in your closet! What do you NEED? This does for Winter too, they are previewing A LOT of fall items before everyone else, so this is your chance!
2. Start with shoes. You want to make sure you get YOUR size. But like I said, look at all shoes and think ahead for winter!
3. Look at the Nordstrom Catalog beforehand!! SO, MANY. THINGS.
OK, I think that about covers it for now! Off to Alabama this weekend for a very short trip to see my cousin get married :) Happy Tuesday and stay strong, friends!