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Full Of Gratitude

I have been convicted of something recently – and no, it’s not because it’s the month of November. I can be very negative at times, and it greatly affects my relationships and how I view others. I wouldn’t say I am a negative person by any means, but I could definitely use an attitude adjustment. I have been SO focused on ME and not others. I let my mood and how I am feeling determine how I speak to others sometimes. It was a BIG wakeup call. So, I am consciously working on and praying about my attitude daily. I think because I have been so used to having anxiety for SO long and deal with constant headaches/migraines, I have justified this behavior – but it’s not OK. I want to be intentional about my attitude and do a REAL gratitude list! So here we go 😊

40 Things I am Grateful For

  1. Jesus – I would NOT be on the path to healing and recovery if it wasn’t for my Savior who is sanctifying and making me new. He has already changed my heart in so many ways, and I am blessed beyond measure for his constant pursuit of me.

  2. Max – my sweet husband who constantly serves and loves me. He is extremely selfless, talented, loving and kind. I am so thankful I have a husband like him to do life with, because it sure is fun and crazy at times 😉

  3. Family – all of my family. I am fortunate to have such a loving family. It’s not perfect, but I know they would have my back in a heartbeat if I needed them. At the end of the day, family is the most important!

  4. Fur babies – my little girls Doralee and Ellie. They are like my children and bring me so much JOY!

  5. My job – thankful for my job! I am fortunate to work with people who are extremely kind and that it’s a job I truly enjoy.

  6. Heated blankets and cozy sweaters!

  7. God’s TRUTH – I am actually reading and learning scripture. It has convicted me of so many things and helped me gain a biblical perspective in life.

  8. Theatre – I have not performed a whole lot this year, but it has and always will bring me joy. I am excited to perform again in the future. It’s FUN, and I love getting to challenge myself and grow with each character, show, and song.

  9. Nicole, Elena & Stephanie – my best friends. We don’t see each other nearly enough, but they love me and support me. Most importantly, they are AUTHENTIC & continually point me back to Christ. They know all my junk and love me despite that.

  10. ReGeneration – the program I am currently doing. I am not only thankful for it, but I am also thankful for my leaders and all the ladies in my group. They challenge and inspire me every single week. My life has been transformed, and I am forever grateful!

  11. Thick photo albums – full of memories and LOVE!

  12. My blog – this has been such a therapeutic outlet for me this year, and I am encouraged to keep growing and writing.

  13. S’mores and campfires!

  14. Social Media – I know there are pros and cons to this, but I have met so many wonderful people & been inspired in SO many ways, so I am staying focused on the positive!

  15. The beach!!!!!

  16. Medicine – YES, I am thankful for modern day medicine. It is not something I want to depend on forever, but it has gotten me through some of the darkest days!

  17. My parents – I know I already mentioned family, but I think my parents deserve an extra shout out. They have done so much for me over the years and continue to encourage, help, and support Max and me. FOREVER GRATEFUL.

  18. The hot Texas weather – when I can lay by the pool.

  19. Music – it has a lasting impact on me, as it’s supposed to. I am encouraged, inspired, and uplifted with all kinds of music through melodies and lyrics – especially the lyrics.

  20. Good Health – I am a healthy person! I have never had anything drastic happen to me in my life, thankfully.

  21. All things pink and colorful, of course!

  22. My sensitivity – I used to think this was a bad or “weak” thing. But, it’s not. Being sensitive has only made me a more compassionate and empathetic person. If I wasn’t sensitive, like I am, I would not be able to relate to others the way I do, make art, and LOVE.

  23. Rainbows, unicorns, glitter, and sparkles!

  24. College Education – I went to an AMAZING school and got my Bachelor’s degree. At times, I didn’t know if I would finish, or how I would. But, I did and I am a proud Alum of Texas Christian University!

  25. Money in the bank – I know money isn’t everything, but it sure helps us LIVE! The Lord has constantly provided, even when it’s been rough!

  26. Weekends – taking a break from work is always nice, and getting to spend quality time with loved ones, friends, or just relaxing is the best!

  27. The most obnoxious cell phone cases!

  28. Sunshine – I love sunshine 😊 Something about that Vitamin D makes me feel happy and alive!

  29. Armed Forces – our lives would be quite different if it were not for those who sacrifice so much for our freedom in the USA.

  30. Candles that make your home smell like the holidays!

  31. Making Mistakes – it is only through these mistakes that I have grown and matured. I would NOT be the same person today if it weren’t for all the hurt, tears, and lessons learned.

  32. Being able to travel – anywhere really!

  33. Holidays – and I mean ALL of them throughout the year! I love celebrating people, having parties, and having that reminder of what is REALLY important in life.

  34. Laughter – it is the best medicine, after all. I’m talking BELLY LAUGHS. Those are the moments worth remembering!

  35. Safety & Security – I often take this for granted, but I am thankful to live in a safe place, feel safe, and be able to wake up without immense fear.

  36. Date nights – enough said.

  37. WINE!

  38. Planners that I still use to write my entire life in!

  39. Fashion! Dresses in particular, I am obsessed!

  40. A good pair of heels!

I know there are SO many more things I am forgetting – like pizza, chocolate, makeup, nature, water…. just to name a few lol. So, here is to an attitude adjustment & giving thanks all year!!! Xoxo,

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