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Life Updates - Recovery & The Holidays!

It has certainly been a while, so I thought I would give you all some life updates! Time has moved so fast, especially with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

For those that are interested in my recovery at ReGeneration (the recovery program I am in at Watermark Community Church in Dallas), it is going well! I have had many people confused by this whole process, because I don’t have an alcohol problem or an addiction, etc. Let me just clarify that this program is for EVERYONE - we are all broken people. I have my struggles, they just may not be visible to others. But I am (now) aware of my sin, resentments, fears, idols, etc., and I am learning (ONLY through God’s grace) that I am made new, loved and forgiven. The Lord has revealed to me certain struggles and things I have put first in my life instead of Him. One thing I am learning is that I will never be “fixed.” That is not what this program is about. It is giving me the tools to use going forward – trusting the Lord, confessing sin, repenting, asking for forgiveness, and making amends with others in a biblical way. He has made me new, not “fixed.” I am so encouraged every Monday night by all the testimonies I hear, and even when I doubt that I am where I “should” be, I know the Lord is working on my heart daily and pursuing me even when I choose to go the other way.

I cannot manage this life without the Lord. There are days when I think I have everything under control (anxiety, low self-worth, comparison, shopping, seeking comfort). I am deceived, and that is when the enemy tries to ATTACK my thoughts instantly. It is a whole new way of thinking and retraining your mind after YEARS of unhealthy ways can be difficult, but it is not impossible. My anxiety has gotten SO much better, and I am in process of decreasing medication. Because I have been on medication for years, it is a very slow and sometimes uncomfortable process. PRAISE – I went to the doctor without any medication and didn’t feel anxious! This is a huge step and victory for me!! The Lord has also provided steady income for both me and Max, and we are SO very grateful. His timing truly is perfect.

I was also cast in the Klyde Warren Park Christmas Tree Lighting concert, which took place on December 1st. This may not seem like a huge deal, but I have not been able to perform for a large portion of this year, so this was a treat. Not only was it FUN, but it challenged me in different ways. It truly made me miss performing, so going into 2019, that’s definitely something I am going to pray about – the right shows and the right time, while trying to improve upon my skills in the meantime.

Thanksgiving was spent at the beach in Galveston with my family, and it was SO FUN! We rented a beach house and spent the week eating out, playing games (my family is SO much fun to play games with!), looking at Christmas lights, watching movies, etc. I treasure the time when we are all together!

Recently, we have been trying to do festive Christmas activities & take care of all the Christmas shopping! We will take a few trips coming up – one in just a few weeks to see both of my grandfathers in Tennessee and Alabama. And, in January, we are headed to NYC with Max’s family!

Needless to say, I am feeling very blessed. This doesn’t mean that every day is cheery and perfect, so don’t be fooled. There have been so many HARD days (even weeks) this year. I just want to take the time to celebrate the GOOD, because sometimes, we take that for granted!

If you are still in search of Christmas gifts, check out a few of my gift guides posted on my blog 😊 Happy Thursday!


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