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2018 - The Year In Review

2018. WOW. What can I say? I think it has been one of my most difficult and rewarding years yet. Some really great highs and some deep lows. I cried more times that I can count, sickness and unending migraines, lost friendships, lost jobs, 4 root canals and piling debt. It sent me into a depression, and at times, I felt hopeless in so many areas. BUT, instead of focusing on the negative, I want to focus on some of the highlights from 2018. After all, there is plenty to celebrate, and even though I am mourning parts of this year, I can rejoice in who I am becoming. PTL!

30th Birthday – it was fun and pink! I dreaded this birthday, but made the best of it with a Barbie Bash and a brunch with friends! I SO wish I could have a pink party like this every year 😉

ReGeneration – The best decision of the year! I was broken and at my lowest of lows. Having lost a job, piling debt, depression and anxiety overwhelmed my everyday life. I joined this recovery group at church for anxiety, seeking the approval of others and low self-worth. Many people are confused because I don’t have an “addiction”. That’s not the point. These are HEART issues – things you cannot necessarily see, but have done great damage to myself, my reputation and to the ones I love. As a result, I am growing more dependent on Jesus more than anything else. I will be sharing more on this once I commence in February! A huge s/o to Nicole, Stephanie and Elena for loving me, checking on me and supporting me throughout this process. And, of course Max!

Launching Purpose In The Pink – I wasn’t exactly sure how it would turn out, but I am so thankful for my blog – where I have been able to express myself through writing and sharing parts of my story in hopes to encourage others that struggle with mental health issues, etc.! I will admit, it took me at least 5 months to know what I was even doing (and I still have a ways to go), but I have enjoyed the process so much! I have attended so many events, met new friends, made connections and got some partnerships started including one with LikeToKnow.It where you can shop my outfits through an app! Follow along at

Thank you to those that have supported me along the way!

Flying by myself to NYC – If you haven’t been reading along, I had a crippling experience flying back in college and it took years for me to be able to even TALK about flying, much less fly by myself! I first flew to Houston with my parent’s years ago, then with Max to several different places, then I finally did it by myself this year to NYC! It was so great getting to explore the city, see shows and just have quality time with Max while he was staying up there! Oh, and I got to see MEAN GIRLS! 😊

Emma's Wedding – Emma, my sister in law, married the love of her life, Hunter! All the wedding festivities were so much fun and I was honored to be a part of it. The best party of the year!!

Jobs – Although Max and I were without jobs for a majority of the year, we both found work at just the right time! We both really enjoy what we are doing and it has helped us greatly financially!

Gulf Shores – Me and the hubby took a road trip to the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama! It was amazing! It was loads of fun and filled with RELAXATION! Just what we needed! And, like many other vacations, this one was actually relaxing. For me, there is nothing quite like being by the ocean and soaking in God’s beautiful creation!

Max – This year for Max was a huge success! He made so many connections while he was living in New York for 3 months, He starred in “The Music Man” as Harold Hill, which was a HUGE success, did several concerts in Connecticut, performed in Lyric Stage’s “The Majestic Unplugged” concert with local talent and music directed a production of Young Frankenstein at RCT! It is always a joy watching him perform. He could sing me the phonebook and I would be happy! I am still swooning for ya, Swarner <3

Thanksgiving in Galveston – My family rented a beach house for Thanksgiving and it was SO MUCH FUN! We ate (a lot), played games, took pics, and did a few Christmas activities as a family. There is nothing quite like it – making memories that I will treasure forever.

Klyde Warren Park Christmas Tree Lighting – I was honored to be cast in this year’s production! We only rehearsed for 5 nights and performed about 25 minutes' worth of Christmas songs for thousands of people who gathered at Klyde Warren Park! It was challenging, but one of the best gigs I have ever done! They aired it on CBS 11 a few weeks later which was super cool!

Gatlinburg/Christmas – I went with my parents and Max to see my Granddaddy in Alabama as well as my dad’s side of the family in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and it was SO MUCH FUN! We did so many exciting things and explored the town, ate great food and spent time with my family. It was WAY overdue and I am so thankful we were able to go. We spent Christmas with my in-laws in Dallas 😊 We mainly relaxed and hung out, which was nice! The weather was even nice enough to sit out on the patio by the fire pit and listen to music. Nothing quite like it!! We celebrated with my family the next few days. I had some stress due to all that we were doing, but I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun around the holiday season! It wasn’t really about gifts for me this year – it’s the memories!!

A huge thank you to all of you who have supported me and read along on my journey! I try to be as transparent as possible and it’s definitely something I will continue to do in the New Year! Some of my circumstances may still be the same, but having a new heart and a new perspective has changed everything. I’m not sure yet what the future holds, but I know who holds it and I will cling to that! Cheers to continue "living colorfully amidst adversity" and sharing my pink story with all of you!!!


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