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2019 - New Year's Resolutions I Can Keep!

I tend to make multiple New Year’s resolutions EVERY year, but I don’t follow through. Did you know that it has been reported that on an average, people only stick to their resolutions until January 12th!? THAT’S IT? I am probably one of those people, sadly. But, there is something about a New Year that is EXCITING! A clean slate, a fresh start! So, this year, I decided to make some resolutions that I believe I can actually keep. And, of course, losing weight is on there. I always overeat around the holidays, so I definitely want to shed some of that weight and start working out at the Barrecode again! I am not one to stick with something long term (until Re-Generation came around this last year), but I am determined to make a change. Here are some other resolutions that I think are do-able for me! I am excited to get started!

Spend more time in the word/quiet times. I think this is something that is on my list every year, but it never happens until this past year when my heart was transformed and made new. In order to keep this transformation going (It will be a life-long journey!), I want to learn more about Christ. There are some possible classes at church I would LOVE to take too! I have already made great progress and I want to continue on this path.

Decrease more of my medication – I have already decreased one medication a little bit, but I would like to continue the process in 2019! This DOES mean I have to work out more consistently to help ease any anxiety and trick my body, but I think I am ready to try it!

Pay off Debt/Save Money – Max and I are already making such great progress in this area and we will continue to do so! It feels so great to pay off stuff – this will only give us more freedom in the future to be able to do other things!

ReGeneration – I will be done in February, but that doesn’t mean I am “fixed”. I would like to continue living out the steps that I have learned in regeneration – confessing sin, asking for forgiveness, trusting the Lord, repenting, making amends and living for CHRIST! I will fail at this every day, but I pray that the Lord will never stop softening my heart!

Purpose In The Pink – I would like to continue to grow my blog! I will share my style, be authentic about mental health, my struggles and my faith. Ultimately, I want to honor the Lord in this and give HIM all the glory instead of me. It has been such a joy getting to write, learn and grow throughout this journey and I can’t wait to see what the future holds in this area!

Shopping – or rather, NOT shopping! YIKES. This one scares me I will be completely honest. But, I need to cut back quite a bit. I’m sure it will be hard for me, especially since I love fashion and love to share my style. But, it’s not EVERYTHING. I think I have become too dependent on that and I haven’t really addressed this like I should. Clothes may be pretty and give me satisfaction temporarily, but in the end, that is NOT what is most important! I think this is where I struggle too, to gain the approval of others (and I just have a passion or it). So, I need to find a healthy balance 😊 And, while we are still paying off some debt, I don’t think it’s wise to buy things I don’t necessarily need. My head knows ALL of this, but my heart is torn and wants what it wants.

I will keep you updated on all of these and try to be as transparent as possible! Three are still a lot of questions as to what 2019 will bring, but I trust that the Lord will guide me through it, even when it gets tough. Happy New Year to all of you and a huge THANK YOU for reading and being part of this blog! <3


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