Hi Friends! I was fortunate enough to partner with Smile Brilliant and test out their teeth whitening trays! First off, let me start out by saying how HAPPY I am with my results!! I have always wanted to get my teeth whitened, but I frequently heard how painful it was – and, quite frankly, it’s expensive. So, it has never been a priority. This experience was easy and convenient! Let me tell you about it!
SmileBrilliant sent me two trays to take impressions of my teeth. I have always hated getting impressions done, but for this, they gave me step by step instructions, so I had the comfort of doing it in my own home which makes all the difference. So, that took about 10 minutes total. Next, I mailed the trays back so they could make my plastic trays that I would be using to whiten my teeth!
About a week later, I got my trays and they fit PERFECTLY! So, I was ready to start.
Before doing anything, I brushed my teeth without any toothpaste. Next, I spread the teeth whitening gel from the syringe evenly across the trays for both the top and bottom and placed the trays in my mouth. I usually whitened before bed so I wouldn’t have to eat anything afterwards! They said I could whiten anywhere from 1-3 hours, but I pretty much stuck to 1 hour the entire time. After the whitening process was done, I rinsed out and completely brushed my teeth. Then, they had desensitizing gel that I put in the trays next. I let this sit for about 15-30 minutes after each session. Then, I rinsed out my mouth but did not brush it again. This way, the desensitizing gel could soak into my teeth and gums overnight. I did experience a little bit of tooth sensitivity (which is normal), so I started whitening every other day or every two days to give my teeth some relief. It wasn’t anything too painful, but it is part of the process – and I would say it varies with each person as to how they respond to the gel! It also took me a couple of tries to find the right balance with the amount of gel I was using!
To get the maximum results, it takes about 7-8 whitening sessions to see a difference. My experience took a little longer just because I wasn’t whitening every day, but it did not affect the outcome!

Along the way, I had a few questions about the sensitivity, and the workers at SmileBriliant were so helpful when answering questions! I was so appreciative of their knowledge and kindness. So, as you can tell, there is a difference and I am very happy with my results! I would highly recommend this to anyone!! They are currently hosting a giveaway, where you can win your own set (valued at $159.00) for FREE!! Please enter here. Please take 15% using the coupon code: kimswarner15
Best of Luck!
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