Is anyone else READY for Spring?! I keep thinking it’s just around the corner, and then I look at the weather app and it is all over the place! Lol, I guess that is Texas weather for ya! I can’t complain though – there is so much to be thankful for lately and trying to find things each day to smile about is SO important! Like today! THE SUNSHINE!! It makes me so happy! This past weekend was just gorgeous in Broken Bow with my family, and the weather couldn’t have been better! But, more on that later this week! We are well into the New Year, and as always, I have some things I am LOVING lately – and it’s a little bit of everything for everyone!
1. Dave Ramsey – Envelope System – First of all, I have shared recently on my instastories that Max and I are currently paying off some debt, so one of things I want to share is that we are doing the envelope system! In a nutshell, it is basically taking money out of the bank and using cash, rather than using our credit card or debit card (unless it is auto-draft or it’s absolutely necessary). We keep the money in different envelopes that we have budgeted for! We are still getting the hang up of it and doing our best to keep track of everything! But, more on this in a later post 😊 So far, we are making great progress! Find out more here.

2. The Pink Coconut Boutique – Their clothes are so stinkin’ CUTE! Y’all know I love shopping, of course. They recently sent me this hot pink romper/dress, and I can’t wait to share it with you guys! If you haven’t already, check them out! They have a lot of the latest trends, affordable prices and lots of options to choose from – especially all the new spring and summer arrivals! Shop all their cute items here.

3. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix – OMG y’all. I started. And even though I feel like I’m organized in my own way, I AM NOT. I have started working on it. But, I have a ways to go. It takes a lot of time, but I know once I am finished, I will feel less anxious and more productive overall. I will actually be able to find things. Plus, there are so many items I have realized I don’t need. They don’t “spark joy” as she talks about. Pretty sure I want her to be my best friend, because she is adorable and always so positive!! I think overall organization will help with EVERY area of my life – work, blogging, clothing, all my “stuff,” pictures… it is still a lot to think about right now! If you haven’t watched this show, try it! It totally inspired me to start the process!

4. Colleen Rothschild Face Mask – GAME CHANGER. I had heard about this mask for a while, and skincare is something I want to work on this year, as I have not taken care of my skin like I should! Now is the time! This mask is amazinggg! THIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL OF FACE MASKS! During the fall and winter, my face has severe dry skin – and this face mask is extremely hydrating!! I am tempted to start buying the entire line, but I know it is pricey. I am content with just this, because I can already tell a difference! Do yourself a favor and invest in one of these products! Check out their face mask here!

4. Broken Bow, Oklahoma – If you have never been to this little hidden treasure in OK, you need to check it out for yourself! I will do a recap later this week, but it is SO FUN and SO WORTH a little getaway with your family, friends, girl’s trip… you name it. I don’t want to give too much away. I have been 3 different times now, and I am basically hooked. Max and I want to make it an annual trip for sure, especially because it’s not very far! Check it out!

5. Laura Mercier Makeup – Okay, just give me ALL of it! I am in love. I haven’t tried every product, but what I have tried is top quality. The concealer is my favorite. If you ever want to splurge on a beauty product, this brand is IT! Obviously, to get the best results, going in person is the smartest way to buy makeup so you can get the perfect color to match your skin-tone!! Sephora, Nordstrom and other department stores carry this brand! Take a look at some of the products here.

6. BRIGHT STAR – The Musical – I know, I know – this will not be everyone’s cup of tea. But, I AM a performer and periodically, I like to listen to new musicals and learn new songs to put in my book! I have listened to the music non-stop (mainly because it’s country music which is my fav) and I am hooked. The lyrics and the music are just beautiful. The story is a little dark, but I guess you can expect that with a country show. Am I right?! Lol. I think that's why I like it though?! I have such a connection with country music in general. It's real, raw and if I can CONNECT with it, I am all in. Give it a listen and see what you think!
Well that concludes my February obsessions!! Be on the lookout for a Broken Bow recap and some other exciting things coming up very soon!! As always, thanks for reading 😊 Have a great week!
Verse of the week:
"Do not worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all that He has done." Philippians 4:6-8