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4 Year Anniversary! + Fun Facts + Q&A

Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband, Max! I can’t believe it has been 4 years! I just need to take a few minutes to brag on my husband. This past year for me was ROUGH. Things haven’t always been easy – in fact they have been quite messy at times, but Max has continually pursued me and served me when I didn’t deserve it. He is patient, kind, talented, loving and I am so thankful I have YOU on my team – supporting me. Our story is not perfect – in fact, it has a lot of disappointment and let downs, but we are committed to each other. And the Lord has been so gracious to us and is continually at work! I am so thankful for all of the growth we have had as individuals and as a couple and I am excited to see where the Lord takes us next.


  • The week I met Max, was the same week I was supposed to go to an in-person interview to be on The Bachelor. I knew Max was the one the night before and ended up not going to the interview after all! It was also Juan Pablo’s season, soooo I don’t think that would have gone over well lol.

  • Max was the first one to say I love you within the first week. Then I had to ask him if he would be my boyfriend (lol).

  • In April of 2015, it rained almost EVERY DAY, including the night of our rehearsal dinner. The only day it didn’t storm, was during out wedding! The sun was out shining! More storms came in that night…and every day after that!

  • We have been fortunate to perform together in several shows! It’s A Wonderful Life The Musical in Oklahoma City, Godspell at Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, and 3 years in a row of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change at Theatre Three – while we were dating, engaged and then married! All of these shows hold a special place in my heart and I pray we get to perform together again one day!

  • Max LOVES movies - especially bad ones, video games, music, old towns, small towns, cheeseburgers, Impractical Jokers, hole in the wall restaurants, and performing (duh). I love having down-time, shopping, documentaries, murder mysteries, pizza, blankets, country music, getting dressed up, deep conversations and singing to Max in the car - lol always a good time.


We got asked some questions on social media and here are your answers!

Q: When or will you ever want to have kids?

Answer: Yes, of course we do! I don’t think anyone is ever really “ready”, but it was definitely not something we wanted to do right away. We are still young and there is PLENTY of time! Every person/relationship is different in terms of timing and desires. When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen!

Q: What advice could you give to newlyweds?

Answer: We would say over-communicate! If it is one thing we have learned, talking about everything is a must! Talk about expectations, the future, finances, kids, your plans, etc. There can never be too much communication. It is SO important to LISTEN instead of trying to get your point across to be “right”. The goal of communication should be mutual understanding. You are on the same team!

Q: What is something you argue about a lot?

Answer: Well besides what we want to eat and the temperature in the house (haha), most of the things we argue about come from poor communication. Instead of me saying how I am really feeling or what I want, I used to expect Max to just KNOW and figure it out. Well, that is NOT fair! How is he supposed to read my mind? Sometimes, we need to spell it out for them, put our ego aside and TELL them!

Q: What are your future plans? Stay in Dallas?

Answer: This is something we are currently discussing and praying about! The Lord has always been faithful in answering those prayers and I will continue to trust He will do the same for our future! Nothing is off the table at this point!

Thanks for reading y’all!

And to Max – Happy 4th Anniversary!

I love you to the moon and back and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!


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