As many of you know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. You may struggle with the occasional form of anxiety or depression, but right now, during a pandemic, it is safe to say that millions of people around the globe are experiencing more mental health issues than ever before. For someone like myself who already struggled in these areas, it intensified. But, in other ways, it got better. Millions are out of work right now and that financial burden itself is a strain on many. I wanted to provide you with some Mental Health resources I found online, or some that I have used (or am using). A few of them are specific to the DFW area, but other important resources that anyone struggling can easily access.
Better Help - One of the top rated counseling programs- offers online therapy services with licensed therapists.
Psychology Today (psychologytoday.com) – Find a therapist. You can click on the one that matches your needs in your area and that would take your insurance.
If cost is an issues, go to www.lowcosthelp.com – it is a national directory of affordable counseling services.
Mental Health America provides free online mental screenings to help determine if you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
NAMI helpline - 1-1800-950-NAMI or info@nami.org – they can help answer mental health questions about: symptoms of mental health, treatments, support groups, programs to find jobs, family members with mental health issues and more.
Taylor Counseling Group: Affordable Counseling Based on Income, locations in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston & San Antonio.
Working Remotely During Covid-19: A great article for tips & mental health while working from home during a pandemic.
Counseling in DFW
Dallas Whole Life Counseling: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Systems, Christian Counseling, Meditation, Mindfulness Training and more.
Sparrow House Counseling: Christian counseling for Teens, Adult, Marriage, Premarital, Crisis & more.
The Hope Center: Christian Non-Profit Center which has a variety of options for faith based counseling; marriage, individual, child & teen.
Millennial Life Counseling: Couples, Marriage, Individual, Trauma Therapy.
Hope Speaks : Licensed Professional Counselors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Life Coaches.
Brene Brown: Braving The Wilderness, Daring Greatly,
Dr. David Burns M.D: Feeling Good, When Panic Attacks
Mark Goldstein & Philip Goldberg: Get Out Of Your Own Way
Dr. Caroline Leaf: Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, ANY of her books!
Jennie Allen: Get Out Of Your Head!
Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend: Boundaries
Francis Chan: Crazy Love
David Murray: Christians Get Depressed Too
Brittney Moses: The Faith and Mental Wellness Podcast
Jordan Dooley: SHE
Recovery Programs:
Celebrate Recovery: 12 step Christian Recovery program, in churches across the US.
ReGeneration: This is another 12 step Christian program based out of Dallas, I cannot recommend this enough!
Other Resources:
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) has launched a 24/7 Mental Health Support Line for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during and after the crisis. Call 833-251-2544.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
Self-Harm Hotline: 1-800-DONTCUT
Text NAMI to 741-741 for NAMI’s text crisis hotline.